26 Nov 2019

The Ultimate homemade Health Mix: for kids and adults

         Hello Viewers! hope you all are doing well, stay hydrated. Today for a change i'm sharing with you the health mix powder recipe that we make at home, for me, hubby as well as my kid (its an all-rounder). This is especially a lifesaver for those working moms who dream every morning for a wholesome meal (in a hurry). As you can see i have included 21 ingredients overall (can add even more) from my household items keeping the benefits of each in mind.

          You guys must be thinking its readily available in the market, so what is the need for this work. I must say, no pain no gain, you can decide through the ingredients add or reduce the content and is a money saver too (not a time saver). We can quickly go through the recipe down here, just follow it. I have prepared this mixture just yesterday and have stored it carefully (have added the pic at the end), its a wholesome food relished by everyone at home from old to young.

Health-mix Recipe : 1 cup measures 180 ml

  • Brown rice-1 cup
  • White rice-1 cup
  • Ragi- 1 cup
  • Wheat- 0.5 cup
  • Chana dal- 0.5 cup
  • Toor dal- 0.5 cup
  • Urad dal- 0.5 cup
  • Masoor dal- 0.5 cup
  • Yellow split moong dal- 0.5 cup
  • Whole green gram- 0.5 cup
  • Roasted gram- 0.5 cup
  • Horse gram- 0.5 cup
  • Corn- 0.5 cup
  • Barley- 0.25 cup
  • Oats- 0.25 cup
  • Cashew- 1 cup
  • Badam- 1 cup
  • Groundnut- 1 cup
  • Elachi- 10 pods
  • Jeera- 3 tsp
  • Carom- 1 tsp

Can also add

  • Red rice- 0.5 cup
  • Sago- 0.25 cup
  • Semolina- 0.25 cup
  • Black chana- 0.5 cup
  • Pista- 1 cup
  • Walnut- 1cup


  1. Wash and drain all the ingredients listed above (dal and nut items can also be soaked in water upto 4 hrs to increase nutrition) separately.
  2. Now take a heavy bottomed vessel for roasting. The flame should be low-medium for convenience (high flame requires constant stirring or else it will get burnt).
  3. Roast each ingredient one-by-one till crispy or color change.
  4. Transfer it to a plate for cooling, meanwhile start roasting the next item.
  5. After it cools off put it  in a mixer jar used for dry grinding and pulse till nicely powdered.
  6. Take another big vessel or a sheet of plain paper spread on flat surface, use a sieve to remove any big particles from the powdered cereal (transfer those particles to jar again with the next batch).
  7. Continue the Roast-Cool-Powder process until all ingredients are done. Note to pulse the nuts at last, cause they will give out oil and cannot be processed finely as other ingredients, powder the nuts as much as you can and add along with other items.
  8. Let the powdered mixture cool off and then add it to a air-tight container, this can be preserved for few months.

Extra Notes

  • Keep the container in a dry and cool place.
  • Add a piece of folded tissue paper into the container, to absorb the moisture if present.
  • Kids above 1 year old and adults can consume this mixed in milk, it boost immunity and is full of nutrition.
  • Add natural sweeteners like palm sugar, palm jaggery, honey, dates syrup.

       Hope you all found this information useful, do try this at home for a healthy well-being. Do remember to follow a workout routine, for more read: 6 full-body workouts for beginners . Keep in mind that this health mix does not cause any extra weight gain, it just helps you to be healthy inside out. Thank you everyone, see you again with another information. Lots of love ❤

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