24 Nov 2019

6 full body workouts for beginners: see results in 1 week

         Hello! viewers, its a beautiful day today, i'm here to help you to get healthy and toned. As i already mentioned in my previous post that i will be updating simple home workouts, and here i am. Only taking fat cutter drink do not do their job, as exercise is needed to tone our body to be energetic.

        I have seen results in this workout, after 1 week itself you will start feeling full of energy and light weight. You can also drink green tea 2-3 cups a day to boost the fat loss, do remember not to drink green tea in empty stomach as it cause stomach upsets and also avoid it after meals, there should be at-least 2 hrs intervals as it may lead to low iron absorbency. Read about : myths on weight loss methods and why

        I would recommend to up your protein and fiber intake by having boiled egg, vegetables, whole grains, meat (avoid fried), try natural sweeteners.. For more details read: factors influencing body weight and how to overcome. This workout is cardio-based at home without any need of equipment to increase your heart-rate and burn more calories. Ready everyone! lets put on some comfortable clothes, music and get started.

Warm-up exercise

       Spend few mins in warm-up which is necessary to see results of workout quick. Do few stretching exercises and jog in place to raise your heartbeat and to avoid any sprains. Opt for:
Jog- 1 min
Stretches- 1 min

       This will start blood supply throughout the body to regulate energy evenly, take it slow from the beginning. Keep a water bottle nearby just in case. Morning or evening is the ideal time for taking up any workout routine (each exercise for 3 mins), so cheer up there's no way to miss it.

1. High Knees

        Every football or soccer fan is familiar with this exercise (fast pace through the tires), its a simple yet effective way to train your knees. Its a simple workout step for most of the beginners at home.

How to do it:

  1. Stand straight with legs apart and keep your arm bend at 90 degree so as to touch the knee when raised.
  2. Now lift your right knee to touch the palm mark (can also reach as high as possible).
  3. Next lift your left knee in a jumping movement by foot to reach the mark.
  4. Repeat this exercise alternatively with both knees for 3 min.


  1. Improves flexibility
  2. Engages core muscles and strengths
  3. Increases heartbeat and coordination

2. Jumping Jacks

         Now who is familiar with the exercise (me! me!! me!!!), this is basically one of the step we all have done since our school days. Well its the explosive step to get full body into the active zone , push yourself a little further to complete this step.

How to do it

  1. Stand straight with legs together and hands down.
  2. Jump and widen your stance at the same time bring your hands above your head and make a clap.
  3. Bounce back to starting position and repeat the step-2, alternatively do this for 3 mins.


  1. Body gains strength
  2. Muscles tone and raise heart-rate
  3. Improves coordination and balance

3. Squats

         Oh! come on! squats are everywhere, because its such an fat burner for the core as well as thigh muscles. Do this everyday and get those celebrity legs you have always dreamed about. This exercise is just about pushing yourself down as far as you can go (pregnant ladies can do this exercise without any risk).

How to do it

  1. Stand straight with your legs wide apart and hands raised perpendicular ahead of you (Yes! you are hearing mathematical terms).
  2. Now lower yourself down as if you are about to sit in a imaginary chair, the further you go the better and feel the burn in your thighs.
  3. Stand up to first position and repeat this for a duration of 3 mins.


  1. Engages core and thigh muscles.
  2. Boosts calorie burn and prevents fat accumulation

4. Mountain Climbers

        This is a fascinating step (cardio+aerobic) that makes us want to do more of it, looks interesting right. As the name says its a step followed for climbing mountains, but here instead we are doing this movement on floor ( might be useful anytime, who knows!).

How to do it

  1. Lower yourself down into full plank position i.e, keep your body straight supporting with hands and feet.
  2. Now bring yourself into a position as if starting for a running race with right leg as the lead, while the arms remain stationery.
  3. Next hop and bring the left leg as the lead, use hand support and try not to slip and fast. Take it slow and proceed with both legs for 3 mins (you will get the idea of the name mountain climber).


  1. Its a total body workout with several muscle at work.
  2. Burn fat with some serious sweat.
  3. Reduces back pain
  4. Strengthens body and balance

5. Triceps Dips

         This is a worthy exercise to engage the upper body, this exercise mainly focus on shoulders, triceps and arms. You can also perform this exercise using chair for more support.

How to do it

  1. Balance your body away from floor (swaying) using both hands and legs facing upward.
  2. Bring yourself down using only arm strength, but try not to touch your butt on the ground.
  3. Lift up your body back to old position and repeat this process for 3 mins (will be easier using chair or any other means of support.


  1. Build upper body strength and tones
  2. Causes chest contractions
  3. Get narrow broad shoulders

6. Plank

       It looks easier than the rest of the workout right, may be it is! or may not! This is a full body workout which helps burn fat at ease. Here we are doing the basic plank, after few workouts we can try different variations in it. This is the last workout of this session.

How to do it

  1. Support your body with toes and arms in a straight line (refer pic for the posture).
  2. Stay in this position for 3 mins.


  1. Strengthens spine and abdominal muscles
  2. Improves posture and flexibility
  3. Burns fat


        This workout have done miracles for everyone (including me), do it correctly and reap the benefits. You can also take breaks on few days a week, take up this routine on alternate days for beginners. Avoid fried foods during this workout period and drinking lots of fluids and green tea is beneficial too. Thank you readers! take-care and bye until next time. lots of love ❤

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