28 Nov 2019

The Magical Tonic: SAFI (Natural Blood Purifier)

       Hello friends! I hope you all enjoy reading my posts as much as love writing them. So, for today i'm gonna introduce you to my buddy tonic since teenage (so its being long enough to let you know the benefits). Some of you might even be familiar with this, as it was famous in those days among the girls of-course. You might be wondering why girls though? its because of its assured skin benefits, now who wouldn't want to have a clear complexion and clear skin? with added benefits.

          I came across this tonic in a magazine (ME) review, which was given as a supplementary for DNA newspaper only on Sunday. The benefits and the natural ingredients  invoked me to give it a try, the next day itself i gave a cut-out of that magazine paper  containing SAFI picture over to my dad and was eagerly waiting for him to come home in evening. Finally i got my hand over my own SAFI bottle, which have been reviewed by many celebrities. I couldn't wait to drink it, so i decided to drink it after dinner. I took a spoon of tonic with a glass of warm water, the taste was very bitter but still i wanted to drink it everyday. I could see better skin complexion, less acne and healthy myself.


        The SAFI tonic is brought forth by Hamdard Laboratories Pakistan. The packaging is a thin cardboard box of shiny green and golden color (this is the new package 2018), containing a plastic bottle of tonic within. It claims to be inspired by nature ayurvedic medicine and the important part is "For pimple free glowing skin" (yey!!). 

Ingredients and dosage

          All the ingredients are enlisted on one side of the box its all ayurvedic and also it contains the amount per mg used here for 5 ml. The dosage given for adults: one dose is equal to 2 teaspoonful and for children above 5 years and above is 1 teaspoon (5 ml). Drink in empty stomach at consistent timing everyday to reap full benefits.


          The cost is also affordable 80 rupees for 175 ml with 2 years lifespan (I bought it here in Kuwait for 1.050 KD). Its available in most parts of India, or else you can order it online.The consistency of tonic is thick and dark brown color with a strong smell. The bottle is leak proof and travel friendly.


  • Improves skin conditions
  • Better digestion
  • Prevents constipation
  • Suppress appetite
  • Affordable price
  • Aids weight loss


  • Tastes bitter
  • Should not be used during pregnancy
  • Not for Diabetes
  • Can not be used during breastfeeding

          That's it for today friends, I hope you all enjoyed reading this post about this miracle tonic. I had dropped the use of this tonic for few years due to certain health conditions and now since my boy is older than 2 years i'm starting this tonic again (it i said to have a 21 day challenge), so have some patience and your body will thank you for it. Feel free to comment and share any views about the product. Till then takecare, lots of love ❤

Need more to read..

26 Nov 2019

The Ultimate homemade Health Mix: for kids and adults

         Hello Viewers! hope you all are doing well, stay hydrated. Today for a change i'm sharing with you the health mix powder recipe that we make at home, for me, hubby as well as my kid (its an all-rounder). This is especially a lifesaver for those working moms who dream every morning for a wholesome meal (in a hurry). As you can see i have included 21 ingredients overall (can add even more) from my household items keeping the benefits of each in mind.

          You guys must be thinking its readily available in the market, so what is the need for this work. I must say, no pain no gain, you can decide through the ingredients add or reduce the content and is a money saver too (not a time saver). We can quickly go through the recipe down here, just follow it. I have prepared this mixture just yesterday and have stored it carefully (have added the pic at the end), its a wholesome food relished by everyone at home from old to young.

Health-mix Recipe : 1 cup measures 180 ml

  • Brown rice-1 cup
  • White rice-1 cup
  • Ragi- 1 cup
  • Wheat- 0.5 cup
  • Chana dal- 0.5 cup
  • Toor dal- 0.5 cup
  • Urad dal- 0.5 cup
  • Masoor dal- 0.5 cup
  • Yellow split moong dal- 0.5 cup
  • Whole green gram- 0.5 cup
  • Roasted gram- 0.5 cup
  • Horse gram- 0.5 cup
  • Corn- 0.5 cup
  • Barley- 0.25 cup
  • Oats- 0.25 cup
  • Cashew- 1 cup
  • Badam- 1 cup
  • Groundnut- 1 cup
  • Elachi- 10 pods
  • Jeera- 3 tsp
  • Carom- 1 tsp

Can also add

  • Red rice- 0.5 cup
  • Sago- 0.25 cup
  • Semolina- 0.25 cup
  • Black chana- 0.5 cup
  • Pista- 1 cup
  • Walnut- 1cup


  1. Wash and drain all the ingredients listed above (dal and nut items can also be soaked in water upto 4 hrs to increase nutrition) separately.
  2. Now take a heavy bottomed vessel for roasting. The flame should be low-medium for convenience (high flame requires constant stirring or else it will get burnt).
  3. Roast each ingredient one-by-one till crispy or color change.
  4. Transfer it to a plate for cooling, meanwhile start roasting the next item.
  5. After it cools off put it  in a mixer jar used for dry grinding and pulse till nicely powdered.
  6. Take another big vessel or a sheet of plain paper spread on flat surface, use a sieve to remove any big particles from the powdered cereal (transfer those particles to jar again with the next batch).
  7. Continue the Roast-Cool-Powder process until all ingredients are done. Note to pulse the nuts at last, cause they will give out oil and cannot be processed finely as other ingredients, powder the nuts as much as you can and add along with other items.
  8. Let the powdered mixture cool off and then add it to a air-tight container, this can be preserved for few months.

Extra Notes

  • Keep the container in a dry and cool place.
  • Add a piece of folded tissue paper into the container, to absorb the moisture if present.
  • Kids above 1 year old and adults can consume this mixed in milk, it boost immunity and is full of nutrition.
  • Add natural sweeteners like palm sugar, palm jaggery, honey, dates syrup.

       Hope you all found this information useful, do try this at home for a healthy well-being. Do remember to follow a workout routine, for more read: 6 full-body workouts for beginners . Keep in mind that this health mix does not cause any extra weight gain, it just helps you to be healthy inside out. Thank you everyone, see you again with another information. Lots of love ❤

24 Nov 2019

6 full body workouts for beginners: see results in 1 week

         Hello! viewers, its a beautiful day today, i'm here to help you to get healthy and toned. As i already mentioned in my previous post that i will be updating simple home workouts, and here i am. Only taking fat cutter drink do not do their job, as exercise is needed to tone our body to be energetic.

        I have seen results in this workout, after 1 week itself you will start feeling full of energy and light weight. You can also drink green tea 2-3 cups a day to boost the fat loss, do remember not to drink green tea in empty stomach as it cause stomach upsets and also avoid it after meals, there should be at-least 2 hrs intervals as it may lead to low iron absorbency. Read about : myths on weight loss methods and why

        I would recommend to up your protein and fiber intake by having boiled egg, vegetables, whole grains, meat (avoid fried), try natural sweeteners.. For more details read: factors influencing body weight and how to overcome. This workout is cardio-based at home without any need of equipment to increase your heart-rate and burn more calories. Ready everyone! lets put on some comfortable clothes, music and get started.

Warm-up exercise

       Spend few mins in warm-up which is necessary to see results of workout quick. Do few stretching exercises and jog in place to raise your heartbeat and to avoid any sprains. Opt for:
Jog- 1 min
Stretches- 1 min

       This will start blood supply throughout the body to regulate energy evenly, take it slow from the beginning. Keep a water bottle nearby just in case. Morning or evening is the ideal time for taking up any workout routine (each exercise for 3 mins), so cheer up there's no way to miss it.

1. High Knees

        Every football or soccer fan is familiar with this exercise (fast pace through the tires), its a simple yet effective way to train your knees. Its a simple workout step for most of the beginners at home.

How to do it:

  1. Stand straight with legs apart and keep your arm bend at 90 degree so as to touch the knee when raised.
  2. Now lift your right knee to touch the palm mark (can also reach as high as possible).
  3. Next lift your left knee in a jumping movement by foot to reach the mark.
  4. Repeat this exercise alternatively with both knees for 3 min.


  1. Improves flexibility
  2. Engages core muscles and strengths
  3. Increases heartbeat and coordination

2. Jumping Jacks

         Now who is familiar with the exercise (me! me!! me!!!), this is basically one of the step we all have done since our school days. Well its the explosive step to get full body into the active zone , push yourself a little further to complete this step.

How to do it

  1. Stand straight with legs together and hands down.
  2. Jump and widen your stance at the same time bring your hands above your head and make a clap.
  3. Bounce back to starting position and repeat the step-2, alternatively do this for 3 mins.


  1. Body gains strength
  2. Muscles tone and raise heart-rate
  3. Improves coordination and balance

3. Squats

         Oh! come on! squats are everywhere, because its such an fat burner for the core as well as thigh muscles. Do this everyday and get those celebrity legs you have always dreamed about. This exercise is just about pushing yourself down as far as you can go (pregnant ladies can do this exercise without any risk).

How to do it

  1. Stand straight with your legs wide apart and hands raised perpendicular ahead of you (Yes! you are hearing mathematical terms).
  2. Now lower yourself down as if you are about to sit in a imaginary chair, the further you go the better and feel the burn in your thighs.
  3. Stand up to first position and repeat this for a duration of 3 mins.


  1. Engages core and thigh muscles.
  2. Boosts calorie burn and prevents fat accumulation

4. Mountain Climbers

        This is a fascinating step (cardio+aerobic) that makes us want to do more of it, looks interesting right. As the name says its a step followed for climbing mountains, but here instead we are doing this movement on floor ( might be useful anytime, who knows!).

How to do it

  1. Lower yourself down into full plank position i.e, keep your body straight supporting with hands and feet.
  2. Now bring yourself into a position as if starting for a running race with right leg as the lead, while the arms remain stationery.
  3. Next hop and bring the left leg as the lead, use hand support and try not to slip and fast. Take it slow and proceed with both legs for 3 mins (you will get the idea of the name mountain climber).


  1. Its a total body workout with several muscle at work.
  2. Burn fat with some serious sweat.
  3. Reduces back pain
  4. Strengthens body and balance

5. Triceps Dips

         This is a worthy exercise to engage the upper body, this exercise mainly focus on shoulders, triceps and arms. You can also perform this exercise using chair for more support.

How to do it

  1. Balance your body away from floor (swaying) using both hands and legs facing upward.
  2. Bring yourself down using only arm strength, but try not to touch your butt on the ground.
  3. Lift up your body back to old position and repeat this process for 3 mins (will be easier using chair or any other means of support.


  1. Build upper body strength and tones
  2. Causes chest contractions
  3. Get narrow broad shoulders

6. Plank

       It looks easier than the rest of the workout right, may be it is! or may not! This is a full body workout which helps burn fat at ease. Here we are doing the basic plank, after few workouts we can try different variations in it. This is the last workout of this session.

How to do it

  1. Support your body with toes and arms in a straight line (refer pic for the posture).
  2. Stay in this position for 3 mins.


  1. Strengthens spine and abdominal muscles
  2. Improves posture and flexibility
  3. Burns fat


        This workout have done miracles for everyone (including me), do it correctly and reap the benefits. You can also take breaks on few days a week, take up this routine on alternate days for beginners. Avoid fried foods during this workout period and drinking lots of fluids and green tea is beneficial too. Thank you readers! take-care and bye until next time. lots of love ❤

22 Nov 2019

What are the factors influencing body weight?

          Hello! viewers, hope you have all been well and good. Now i'm putting forth the various factors leading to weight gain. I can hear yours opinions too and i'm glad to inform that i have added them to, check it out yourself. 

         Have you wondered why am i gaining weight?, what's the reason?, doctors are suggesting to drop weight but there is no improvement whatever the means i try. Am i alone in this or is someone else facing the same problem we have always wondered, trust me everyone has their own story. So i will stop making you wonder and lets start with our main discussion in simple words for all of you to understand.

Stress and Hormones

           Yes! it is one of the major weight manipulator, we can lose or gain weight due to stress. Some  experience depression, anxiety, fear, happiness, sadness.. I will be like if i'm happy or sad give me some sweets, while the other time we lose appetite or overeat. The stress hormone is responsible for confusing the body organs to function improperly. 

           Believe it we can overcome this stress using our own body against it, our weapon is yoga and meditation (both are not same). They are simple to do at home or lawn or garden, and also taking up classes turn out beneficial. Yoga tones our body, benefits breathing disorders and makes us youthful, the benefits of yoga are far stretched and promoted by most the actors and various videos are also available. I'l put a detailed post on yoga, i hope it will be useful to someone.

Food Intake, age and genes

         Lets admit everybody wants yummy food and a variety of foods available morning till night. Our legs take us towards a fast food shop for a bite and our hands plus tummy are happy too, well this needs to be avoided as we age. For some people obesity runs in the family, well of course they are comfortable at home that outside.

         Fried items contains the most unhealthy fats, keeping that in mind home food should be preferred. I will be sharing few healthy food recipes later on that i follow in my household, keep an eye for it. We should watch what we eat, should not give into craving (1 or 2 bites does not hurt), opt for natural foods brown rice, yogurt, oats, olive oil, honey are great alternatives. You don't have to be an vegetarian to lose weight, just follow healthy cooking techniques as grilling, baking.. Spicy food burns more calories (keep away if having stomach problems), I hope you have understood what i mean.

Lack of physical activities and sleep

           Sedentary lifestyle gets the best out of us for sure, we watch our body bulge in and out having no idea what to do. This is especially true for housewives like me, but they can also get some spare time if they want. I wondered why do women gain weight fat fast than men?, and when it comes to losing weight its way too worse.

          Having a proper exercise regime will give us good sleep, its important to have at least of 7-8 hrs sleep per day. The exercise routine should not be close to sleep schedule, if possible do join a gym your body will thank you for that. The climatic conditions will also influence weight of your body, you will observe you don't sweat much in AC rooms and its really hard to lose weight rather in normal conditions.

           Well i like keeping utensils on top to have a stretching exercise and to watch TV i walk around a bit also i like to do some yoga, aerobics, cardio at free time (i do leave out some days for rest, don't wanna overexert myself). Like everybody says take the stairs as far as its possible, take your children or pets for a walk, spend some on home based exercise machines (i had AB-king pro, spring rowing exerciser and spring grip). Click here for: 6 effective workout for beginners at home- see result in 1 week

At last...

          No matter whatever the problems i'm sure there is a solution to it and we can achieve it only if we put our mind and body towards achieving it. In today's technology we are open to vast amount of choices to the betterment of our body, only need the heart to do it. Hope these points were informative and useful, weight loss or gain takes some time so don't rush as it only cause health problems. Until next time take care everyone, lots of love from me and thank you for the time. ❤

21 Nov 2019

Myths on weight loss methods and why?

        Hello! viewers i think you all can relate to what i have say here. We all on some point of life have tried and failed on several weight loss techniques, well that includes me to. Especially we gain a lot of good and happy weight after marriage, because we less about what we eat mostly. click to read more: factors that control body weight

        As a chubby kid i always had the fluffy nicknames, which in-turn gave me a boost of confidence to make myself fit in the future (thanks to them). I believe to have a healthy weight now, to put all of them to shame and have been trying hard to maintain it though. So here are the few remedies i have tried in favor to weight loss or so what i thought, few are familiar methods widely used.

Weight loss through diet

        Lets just admit it that we all want to lose weight the easy way, that is of course starving ourselves. Myself used to starve myself at night for few weeks and also would be happy about the amount of weight i lost. But once we are back at the regular food routine the happy face is back on our tummy. Do you people also have the experience of loose bowels and wonder its this easy to get rid of weight, only to observe later that it was all water we had lost. 
        We have various types of diet like the brat diet, GM diet, keto diet sweet potato diet, apple diet... Still we get cravings about something and there we go again. These diets also restrict us from having all the essential nutrients we need for day to day activities, housewives with little people running around wont apt for these diet, this is true for myself. If you are person with great self control then diets might work just fine for you.

Weight loss by few mixtures of natural drinks

         Does this ring a bell of drinking lemon water on empty stomach in the morning, well i did. Though there was a lot of confusion in myself of whether it should be hot or cold, should drink water before or not, to add to it there were many options too like mint, cilantro. 

         This diets includes the lemon drink (i do), cucumber drink, aloe vera drink ,.. These are quiet useful in cleansing our body from impurities focusing on belly fats but are not enough to lose overall weight. Make sure to drink a lot of water may it be plain or infused according to our body weight and the location we live in.

Weight loss using spices and seeds

         Yes! these are the minors items available in our kitchen so why not just try. There is cinnamon (do i hear me! me!! me!!!) , cloves, fennel, cumin, pepper, fenugreek seeds, chia seeds, green tea, turmeric tea... The spices are powdered and boiled for the drink whereas seeds are soaked overnight, they all promote to good health. 

         Cinnamon can regulate the sugar level also control sugar cravings, fennel is good for gastric problems and digestion, chia seeds have a lot of calcium and omega vitamins, fenugreek is added mostly in South Indian cuisine ranging from breakfast to curries for its health benefits. I use all these spices and seeds for time to time but consuming them alone does not lead to weight loss for sure.


          I have given few of the techniques we all mostly use for weight loss. Despite of these physical activities play an important role in lose of weight, it tones and improves muscle strength which is a win win for all. We have to make time for ourselves and take that time to make us healthy (nobody can save myself but me). May it be walking, cycling, aerobics or playing with kids whatever its is. 

          Housewives (myself) complain of not having time to ourselves with our little kiddos, but i have observed that we do have some spare to walk around and workout a bit only if we are determined enough. We have the right to feel beautiful however we are, also if we are healthy it shows on our skin and yes! who knows you might get twinkling eyes too. I hope it was useful for all of you, feel free to post some comment here. I will provide a post of workout that in personally follow at home to tone my body, see here: 6 effective workout for beginners at home. Till then take care and thanks for the effort of reading, lots of love.❤